
Purpose of Bible Study

At the church I attend the adults and children participate in Bible classes. Currently they follow the Answers Bible Curriculum, but that is just a tool to help accomplish the purpose. We don’t have these classes so they will know history. Although, the Bible does teach history. We do it so that we (adults) and they (children) will know God and be connected to Him who is the source of living water. That water flows from the heart through the lips and brings life. When connected to the source of fresh living water the result of our words will be fresh life giving water. Compare that to salt water that kills. Those desperate for water need fresh living water. Salt water will kill them. Our hope is they will find us to be a source of living water. Living water brings live and sustains life. Oh that those desperate for it will find it and live on, breath another breath, live another day, and live forever eternally.

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